Hello, again.

I’ve forgotten how much I love music. 

I hate that, in the busyness of life, I have let go of a lot of my hobbies. Granted, some of them have grown – I have really experienced myself in creating yummy recipes…but, I feel like the creative outlet is plugged with unwanted stuff.

I think that’s why I started a blog. Maybe? So that I could just Drano the crud out of my plugged drain for the creative juices. Okay, too many metaphors there. But, you see what I mean? 

And, unfortunately, the busyness of my life hinders me from even being able to do this! (See the date on my last post, and you’ll understand.)

Anyway, back to the music. I used to looooooove just taking an afternoon off of class and listening to music. Sometimes, I’d clean while doing so….sometimes, I wouldn’t. Actually, more times that not, I wouldn’t clean. Ha. But, I like to do things while I’m listening to music. And, yes, I AM listening to music right now. 

NOW PLAYING: These Hands by In the Depths. 

I think I’ve been super overwhelmed lately. But, it’s funny, because I’ve been spending much more time in the Word and in prayer (by myself and with my husband) than ever before. I truly believe that Jesus is my sanity. He is my peace. I know that I can come to Him and find relief…even though that doesn’t mean that I’ll always hear the direct answer. I can come to him with all of my suitcases of worry and stress and questions and unpack them at the foot of the cross. So, why is it so hard to do that when things AREN’T hard? 

Self-reliance v.s. dependency. That’s why. We are self-reliant. 

Maybe it’ll get easier! (I decided to put an exclamation point instead of a question mark…it just seemed more promising)…I think sometimes I can just come to the Lord with my question marks and exclamation points and periods and commas…He’ll take them.

I also miss writing music. The above paragraph really sounded like it could fit into music somewhere…even if there aren’t any words. Maybe life will slow down at some point to pick that up again. 

I find myself planning all of these things to do before we start having children…you know, to get habits established before kiddos come so that I can try my hardest to keep those habits. Want to see my list? 

  • Organic eating. Like, total organic. No processed anything. Except Heinz ketchup. It’s irreplaceable in my heart and stomach.
  • Working out. Even writing it on this blog makes me giggle.
  • House cleaning. 
  • Being crafty and creative….which, I realize, encompasses a lot…but, it could happen.
  • Consistent quiet times. If there were numbers, this would be number 1, even though it didn’t come to mind first. And, not so much the consistency of having it at the same time every day, because in my life that’s pretty unrealistic…but to daily spend time in the word, and to be constant in prayer. Some weeks are better than other. Isn’t is silly that I evaluate my success at quiet times on a weekly basis? It’s because I’m a fallen human being that is being continually rescued from the falsehood of legalism. 

Well, I think I should probably get back to what I’m doing. More at some point!

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