
Monthly Archives: February 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day, Readers.

Now, I know that so many people have so many different views about Valentine’s Day. Some love it, some hate it, some take it, some leave it. Well, today, I’d like to splatter my feelings about my husband all over my blog…in that sloppy, heartfelt, gushy, romantic sort of way.

Before I do that, I’d like to point out that sometimes, I’m not very good at loving my husband. This morning, I decided to park it in 1 John and read about love…the love God has for us, the love we should have for our brothers, for God’s commands, for Jesus…I love that it isn’t an oppressive, burdensome thing. I think that sometimes I forget that.

I’m gonna repeat that.

Loving God, His commandments, His people, His cause…isn’t a burdensome thing.

Charlie and I were talking about how it isn’t ironic that the opposite of burdensome is a light yoke. Sometimes, I tend to revert to a legalistic point of view about my relationship with the Lord (thankful that repentance isn’t limited to 1 time)…it becomes a burden…no, a plethora of burdens…to walk with and abide in the Father.

Do this, read this for this many minutes, don’t forget to analyze and mull over it. Pull out a meaning, then it is worth something. Throw up all these things in prayer – so many requests, and you have to pray for all of them. Yes, You. Perform this task, say this to this person…worship this way, do this, do that.

Blech. It makes me want to vomit that my heart becomes so hard sometimes. (Thankful for grace, and an ongoing sanctification that won’t ever end because God isn’t a quitter on me.) I just need to quit listening to myself sometimes.

Anyway, back to love and it’s burdensome characteristics. Why is it so easy for me to relay the truth to others that God is so loving and forgiving and that His way is light, when some (if not most…let’s be honest) days, I can’t even see or cling to that truth? I hate that.

I want to love Jesus well. Really, and truly. Deep in my heart there is this desire to please the King. But, I think this morning showed me that I don’t have to try. He’s already pleased with me (really? Are you sure?) Yes.


Let that sink in all of our hearts.

A huge, resounding YES.

We can only love, mull, read, pray, dig, think, etc. etc. – because He started it.

His love transcends. It’s big. It’s real. It’s unending.

Can we disappoint the Father? Hmm. We can grieve the Spirit, we can quench the Spirit, we can sin. I’m not so sure how to answer this question.

All I know is that He loves me. As crazy as that is to think about sometimes, I know that He loves me and won’t let me go. He started something in me, and He’s going to finish it. Praise God.


Okay, so without further rabbit chasing, I present to you….
My Husband.

I love this man.

– He loves Jesus. It wouldn’t make sense or be fair for me to say anything else about him if you don’t know that He loves Jesus. He messes up, he sins…he’s a real person, he isn’t perfect. But, boy, does this man love Jesus and desire to do things His way. I love that so much about him…it spurs me on. It reminds me. It makes me question, and when I sin, it makes me uncomfortable. It is grounding to me, and I am forever thankful for that.

– He is a quiet guy. I love this because I am loud, and most of the time that’s pretty annoying. His quietness reminds me of how I can be quiet and gentle. And, I like that.

– He is so funny. Y’all. He makes me laugh…in really weird ways sometimes, but even just his laugh makes me laugh. We like to watch videos about baby goats and other funny animals…we have inside jokes, and a lot of times, he catches me off guard with his humor…like, it wasn’t expected. We have a good time together.

– He drives me crazy sometimes. Sometimes, we clash in the communication department…just being real here. But, iron sharpens iron…and it’s painful sometimes. But, I feel like we always walk away with another step under our feet, you know? We learn from it. I know that God had total purpose in pairing us together for this reason (among many others).

– He keeps me grounded. Simple as that.

– Y’all, he is going to be a great daddy someday. I really dream about that sometimes. I see him interact with other kids, and I know that it will be a little different with our own, but in a good way. It’s gonna be a fun time.

– He is so tender. I was thanking the Lord this morning for his tenderness. I confess that sometimes I tell him that he isn’t being tender, but with my pride aside, he is really tender in his core. He genuinely cares about people and circumstances, and tenderness pours out of him.

– He doesn’t do things that I expect him to do. I really struggled with this for a long time (and still do sometimes), but it has really been teaching me to let go of expectations and show grace…so that’s a good, growing thing.

– He is clean. Great, great hygiene. I like that. I know if we have sons, he’ll teach them that.

– I like to encourage him. I really enjoy that. I like surprising him, and giving him gifts, and making him laugh.

– He’s a great guy to be around. I’ve never known another person on this earth in my lifetime where everyone loves him, genuinely. Seriously, I’ve never known someone who didn’t have a kind word to say about him. If that isn’t something, I don’t know what is. Sheesh, that’s a blessing.


I could go on and on, but going over all these things about Charlie really makes me want to spend some time with him before he has to leave. So, I’m gonna go do that.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. Don’t just love people extra-special today – do it everyday.